A repository of vocalized ideas and cynical reflections on the state of the human heart.
242 – The Shooting While Mewling Narcissists of Zion | The Eschaton Review | Transmission 008
Enter the Extremely Above Ground Bunker of the mind, gather 'round the hearth, warm your hands by its digitized fireplace, and settle in for: Journalist Jeremy Loffredo being freed from the tyrannical grip of the Most Moral Police State in the World. An in-depth examination of one of the most mindboggling interviews in recent memory,…
241 – Welcome to Jordan Peterson’s Hotep A.I. University!
Facial recognition's in the supermarket aisle: up to no good or good no to up? Just how happy were migrant laborers to be working through the floods and the record shattering hurricanes? These QR codes are out of fucking control. John Mulaney takes the AI industry's money and mocks them mercilessly for it. What's it…
240 – The Nauseating Charade is Gossamer Thin | The Eschaton Review | Transmission 007
The sadly beautiful and beautifully sad Human Experiment™ as seen at 17,000 miles per hour. Continued. Transmitted from the Extremely Above Ground Bunker once again. Some lurking into the strange world of GㅇㅇGㄴㅌMaps as it relates to bizarre, yet officially reviewed places within the walls of the White House. Some off the cuff remarks about…
239 – Entering the Raffle to Do Falconry with RFK Jr & Go Hiking With Mengele
We convene, mashing our zany and/or very hungover energies together, to discuss various bribery schemes to make people profess certain political ideologies or vote in certain directions, as well as contests to go “hawking” with RFK or whale watching with him and his wife. Kamala's having trouble using words. Obama's letting his subtly game slip…
238 – A Memorial to the Victims of It All | The Eschaton Review | Transmission 006
Another spate of global happenings as seen/transmitted from the Extremely Above Ground Bunker by Heat Death of the Universe's cosmonautical microphonist, Joshua Nomen-Mutatio. The Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Ottawa has run into a little Third Reich-ish type snag recently. The slowmotion sea change on Ukraine continues as more and more high ranking…
237 – Room 237 Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Celebrate a Three Digit Number
We discuss the subjective documentary Room 237 in which a handful of obsessive armchair theorists share their various interpretations of Stanley Kubrick's masterclass in splicing arthouse ambiguity with genre trope driven narrative, The Shining. What's in between each frame in these frame-by-frame analyses? North American genocide? Freudian treatise? A false moon landing confessional? Subliminal advertising…
236 – Post the Pain Away | The Eschaton Review | Transmission 005
Curl up with a good doom scrolling device and get real cozy in the Extremely Above Ground Bunker and step into the spotlit amphitheater of the mind as Josh sifts through piles of current geopolitical events including but not limited to: More vile threats/”jokes” about beepers coming from elected officials. US Department of War spokespeople…
235 – Most People Don’t Know This, But Karl Marx Actually Wrote in German and Joe Rogan’s Nipples Were Lactating During His Standup Special
The British version of Joe Rogan tries to get deep about the true meaning behind Kamala's platitudes with reknowned pompous blowhard Eric Weinstein. Evangelical Christians on the verge of taking the Christ out of Christianity and how does this relate to organized labor in the United States? MAGA nation takes on the oppressors over at…
234 – De-escalation Through Escalation: Orwell’s Grave-Spinning Reaches Lightspeed | The Eschaton Review | Transmission 004
More transmission compiled and sent during human moments in World War III, from the atom mother satellite's heart in the Extremely Above Ground Bunker. US-NATO-Ukraine relations push the planet ever closer to committing seppuku with a big ass nuclear warhead. Ansarallah will hopefully form an alliance with the astronomers of the world and wage war…
233 – Tom “Lil Goebbles” Cotton and Eve “Dead Name” Barlow Specifically Requested to Be Waterboarded With Solid Gold Bricks
October 7th: The Play: The Movie: The Musical: The Coupon: The Ride Eve Fartlow wants us to know her deep suffering, her righteous laughter at dead and mutilated civilians, and appreciate the thousands of years everyone has enjoy the humor and intellectual achievements of her people. Tom Cotton found to be Freudianly slippin' on main.…